- Easy Selling
When your property is listed for sale, your agent will ask you to arrange preparation of a Section 32 Vendors Statement. This Statement contains all the relevant information in relation to your property (Title information, planning and rates information, building permits, notices etc), and must be given to a purchaser before a Contract can be signed.
You will need to provide copies of the following to enable us to prepare your Section 32 Statement:
• Title or Volume and Folio numbers (if available)
• Council rates notice
• Recent Water Authority account (if applicable)
• Owners Corporation fee statement (if applicable)
• Any notice/s received in relation to the property
• Building Permit/s issued within the last 7 years
and, if so, also the following additional documents:
• Certificate of Occupancy/Certificate of Final Inspection
• Builder’s Warranty Insurance/Owner Builder Warranty Insurance
We aim to finalise your Section 32 Statement and provide it to your nominated agent as quickly as possible (subject to any delay in obtaining information or documents from you).
South West Conveyancing maintains a no sale/no fee policy – If your property is not sold within a reasonable period there is no fee payable, you will only pay for search fees incurred on your behalf.
PLEASE NOTE: Payment of search fees is required in advance for Melbourne properties.
Once your property is sold, we will keep in contact with your purchaser’s representatives regarding any special conditions and notify you once those conditions are satisfied.
Once your Contract is unconditional we will notify your Bank of the sale so they are ready to settle on the due date, and will prepare the additional documentation required to be signed by you.
In the leadup to settlement we will check the adjustment of rates and charges, and obtain details from your Bank of the amount required to pay out your home loan on the settlement date.
On the settlement day we will attend settlement on your behalf to hand over the necessary documents and check all settlement amounts. Once settlement has been completed we will notify you, and authorise your agent to release the keys to the property to the purchaser. We will also advise the local Council and Water Authority of the change of ownership of the property.
Let us take care of it
we have the experience to take care of your conveyancing