- Easy Processes
We aim to make the process of buying a property as straightforward and uncomplicated as possible.
We offer a no obligation, free review of the proposed Contract and Vendor’s Statement before you sign to make sure you understand your obligations under the proposed Contract, and any restrictions applicable to the property.
We can advise you on any special conditions you may wish to include in the Contract, for example making the Contract conditional on you obtaining satisfactory building and pest inspections, requiring the vendor to undertake work or repairs to the property prior to settlement, and of utmost importance, ensuring a finance clause is included.
There is no fee payable if you do not proceed with your purchase – if your building reports are not satisfactory, your finance is not approved or you simply change your mind before you sign the Contract.
Once you have signed your Contract, we will keep in contact with you in relation to any special conditions, i.e. finance approval, building and/or pest inspections, and if necessary arrange extensions of the relevant dates if more time is required. Once all conditions are satisfied we will notify the vendor’s representative and the agent that the Contract is unconditional.
At this time we will commence our searches and enquiries in relation to the property to ensure the vendor has provided all relevant information, and to ascertain what, if any, rates water rates and other charges are outstanding on the property. We will also contact you to arrange signing of the Transfer of Land and any supporting declarations required to assist you in claiming available Stamp Duty concessions or exemptions.
In the leadup to settlement we will calculate an adjustment of rates and other charges, and arrange with your Bank for your loan funds to be available for settlement. On the settlement date we will attend settlement on your behalf to check all documents provided by the vendor and all cheques provided by your Bank. We will notify you once settlement has been completed. We will also advise the local Council and Water Authority of the change of ownership of the property, and remit any outstanding rates and charges deducted at settlement.
Let us take care of it
we have the experience to take care of your conveyancing